Sunday, April 14, 2013

i have to admit that these two pages of my portfolio are the one which I "enthuse" the most about.

dough vs recipe

a rhetorical question to start with this post,

"If I were to give you a very very big piece of dough now which will probably last you a few months or a year, will you accept it or will you ask from me the recipe to make this dough? And how much are you willing to pay the price for this recipe?"

money money money.

everything seems to be about the dough these days.

sigh...even internship!

Pops said don't go for the money. Go for the reputation, the exposure, and the experience. Money is temporary. It can finish. But exposure and experience will stick in the mind. Reputation will carry itself in the resume.

Come to think of it, it kinda makes sense.

But a young boy like me...the temptations of money is always there no matter how we look at it...

I hope I made the right decision this time. Looking forward very much to the future.