Wednesday, January 4, 2012

very disappointed in you.

the texts you sent me yesterday, were just like a basket full of emptiness.

the way you moan about how things were going now, you never know.

I may just end it.

But I am not one who gives up easily.

not yet.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


the first day of 2012. bring to my mind a playback of what had happened during the whole year of 2011.

2011...has been a year of ups and downs for me. earlier in the year, the struggles in The Raz's workbase, working drawing shits, the handling of the Legend PreGrad Night, lotsa video makings, Terang workshop, performances during terang, then the makassar trip, Melbourne-Sydney trip, the 4-month damn long break, the new semester with pn Malsiah, difficulties under the workbase, stresses of measured drawings, struggles with my own self, my discipline, my goals and objectives.

see, it has been kinda up and down.

so many good things happen, so many difficult things happened too.
but either way, the one thing which has been the highlight of the year 2011, is my love life.

Thank you to beloved Sin Chern, for all your time and love.
love u lots.